hello, i'm trying to make reference for my deliver...
# gooddata-platform
hello, i'm trying to make reference for my delivery table. The table consist detail order and pickup and drop based on master data . What i want to achieve right now is to connect the master data and delivery table. On the db side i've already established primary and foreign key for the table but on the good data only drop_id that got reference to master data. Basically i need to connect pickup_id as well as drop_id since both of them got the reference from master data
Hi Michael, to be honest I am not sure I fully understand the situation. I assume you are trying to connect to your datasource and import a dataset based on your table from connected data warehouse? Can you explain a bit how your table looks like and how do you imagine the LDM should be after you finish loading? Or better to say - what exactly is causing troubles ? Just for reference a link to docu https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/data-integration/data-modeling-in-gooddata/create-a-logical-data-model-from-your-cloud-data-warehouse in case it will help to narrow down the problematic step…
this is my table looks like, and basically the pickup_id column and drop_id column sets on the same masterdata on location id when i tried to connect to good data LDM only drop id that has reference to master location table and pickup id cannot reference to master location table
what is the pickup id corresponding to? foreign key must have a corresponding value in its linked table to maintan the referential integrity
the pickup id connect to the same primary key on master data location which is location_id
Hi Michael, You can have only one connection point per dataset but maybe I am still not getting what we are after .. here is some reference to the connection point rules https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/data-integration/data-modeling-in-gooddat[…]ponents-in-gooddata/connection-points-in-logical-data-models May I suggest you do this another way around? Can you try to prototype the model in our modeler? https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/data-integration/data-modeling-in-gooddata/create-a-logical-data-model-manually this will show you what can be achieved following our rules…..