Hello, I’ve embedded my dashboard into a web page....
# gooddata-platform
Hello, I’ve embedded my dashboard into a web page. While the dashboard itself looks fine, when I drill into a data model on mobile, it’s distorting how the data is being visualized.(see attached.) Is a drill down chart not responsive?
Hi Mike, we have a restriction for mobile browsers: Dashboard viewing only. Other functions of GoodData are not currently supported. Some functions may work now but have not been thoroughly tested yet. More details can be found here: https://help.gooddata.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=86775029
Thanks Michael. It not really about functionality, but more about the data being displayed accurately. Since everyone is usually viewing mobile first I would think this is something that good data should consider.
@Mike Scheiner Are the screenshots from a dashboard or from Analyze?
Dashboard embedded in a web page. Same distorted view on safari and chrome.
@Petr Olmer
@Mike Scheiner could you please invite me to the workspace so that I can try to reproduce on my machine? It seems like a bug that should be reported to our engineering teams.
@Jiri Zajic thank you Jiri, when you refer to work space, access to the dashboard correct?
By workspace I mean project, when you go to the manage tab, you can invite new users, so please try inviting jiri.zajic@gooddata.com.
@Jiri Zajic I sent you an email giving you access to the work space. Here’s a link to the webpage where its embedded. https://scheinerinc.com/brandscorecard/ please view on desktop and mobile, when you click in to each data point, you’ll then see how all of the charts are stretched vertically making it very difficult for a user to view.
Thanks @Mike Scheiner, I'm in!
Now can you please tell me how to reproduce the problem you're having? Just to embed the dashboard in a simple index.html, and view it on mobile?
@Jiri Zajic Cool. Go to the Wordpress web link where it’s embedded and click in to any of the data points. I’ve noticed it on both safari and chrome.
Make sense
Oh wow, I see. The problem is that the popup takes full height of the embedded iframe, correct?
Right. On both desktop and mobile. Is there any parameters my developer needs to set or it all on the good data side.
This is happening because you are forcing the iframe to be as high (tall) as its contents; which may be desired behavior sometimes. However for your use-case, you can hardcode the iframe height to e.g. 600px, and then let the user scroll within the iframe. This will have two benefits: 1) It will make the popup look nice, and 2) you get to keep the filter bar visible at the top all the time.
Let me show you what I mean 🙂
Screen Recording 2021-07-27 at 15.26.29 1080p.mov
Let me know if this would a be feasible workaround for you!
Yes Jiri, this will work. Is this something you fixed or do I need to let my developer know
Thank you
@Mike Scheiner I only fixed it temporarily on my machine by fiddling with the DOM (Document Object Model). If you forward the video and our conversation to your developers, they should know what to do to fix that permanently.
@Jiri Zajic will do. Really appreciate the help, thank you again.
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