Hello all again, I have another question about Log...
# gooddata-platform
Hello all again, I have another question about Logical Data Model. Is there any way for us to model the relationship
One user manages one or many users
It's clear that there is a loop but not know how to make it efficiently in LDM. Thank all for your help so much.
Hello Khoa, that would depend on what you want to report at the end. There are several possible solutions. One that comes to mind is to have separate datasets for users and managers, where one person can be in both, but they would use different types of ID (user ID, manager ID).
Hello Boris, thank for your suggestion so much. Yes, I'm working around in this way but not sure is there any way to just use only attribute
to represent this relationship or not?
Like I mentioned, it is quite difficult to answer without knowledge of your data and the intention behind it (what do you want to report, how do you aggregate it, how do you want to be able to slice it). But, other solution that comes to mind is to have teams dataset, and some dataset where you map the team members to the team with their role (or just simple flag => manager/user)
Is there any another way to just use only
dataset and represent
I am afraid that it’s not possible to recursively reference ID from the dataset within the same dataset, if that is what you mean.
Yes, this's what I want, however, it's possible. Thank again for your help so much @Boris