Hey guys, we would really like to check out the co...
# gooddata-platform
Hey guys, we would really like to check out the community edition as a PoC together with one of our customers. Point is, they cannot install it on their local machines, so we need to set it up on a server. This is a pure functional test, we do not need any of the scalability capabilities of the k8s cluster. From data security point of view we cannot leverage the hosted version, so we would really like to use the simple docker image which works beautiful on my local machine instead of setting up the whole k8s cluster just for a functional PoC. As soon as I put the docker image on a vm, I am getting errors which are according to your support forum caused by something around the proxy or similar. But according to one of your product managers, there is some kind of fix for this ๐Ÿ‘ It would be great if you could share some kind of short tutorial or similar with us, so we can get the docker based community edition running on a server for our PoC ๐Ÿ™‚
Hello Steffen. Please see the following thread on our Community:ย https://community.gooddata.com/administration-61/can-i-use-my-own-domain-name-with-gooddata-cn-evaluation-287. It describe the solution. Basically it is about that this scenario of running the CE version on a remote docker host is not supported. There is the localhost binding. It is possible to overcome it by a reverse proxy configured in way that it will fake host header and rewrite location from localhost to your hostname.
The working Nginx configuration is in this comment . Please note that this solution is considered as a workaround and it still has several limitation, e.g. the absence of using multiple organizations in a single deployment.
Thanks guys! We will check it out and come back to you ๐Ÿ™‚
okay, works with some minor adaptions for us. Thanks for the advice!
Welcome! Happy to hear itโ€™s running.