Hi All, is there an Insight Component similar to D...
# gooddata-ui
Hi All, is there an Insight Component similar to Dashboard Component that users can edit? I'm using the React SDK(v8.12.3)
Hi Justin, not directly in the UI SDK, but this is usually workarounded by embedding analytical designer in an iframe as part of your application https://www.gooddata.com/docs/cloud/embed-visualizations/#EmbedVisualizations-Iframes
Thanks Boris, can you use context deferred authentication for the iframe? Currently using the bearFactory.
Hi Justin, how is it working for you now? Because it might not be relevant for iframes... in this case your app does not make API calls to the analytical backend where it needs to be authenticated, but you are embedding part of our application which needs to have active authenticated session. If you use OIDC, the iframe should be checking by itself if there's an active session in your browser. There might be an issue if the cookies are considered 3rd party (your app domain doesn't match with the gooddata domain) - this is usually solved by whitelabeling the gooddata environment with custom hostname. There are also other authentication options for iframe (injected API token or JWT), but these might require a bit more development.
Hi @Boris, I'm also working on similar feature. Basically, we want users to create their own insights using the editor, and add the created insights in their dashboard, which the users also created. Is there a direct way or workaround to achieve this functionality?