Hi Team, is there a way to get 'Locale Formate' fr...
# gooddata-ui
Hi Team, is there a way to get 'Locale Formate' from gooddata workspace? while i am trying to get it by using backend.workspace('workspace').settings() .getSettings() then the formatLocale property is giving as undefined. I have set up the locale format by using 'api/v1/entities/workspaces/{workspaceId}/workspaceSettings'.
Hi Bhupesh*,* Let us check your question. Can you please meanwhile confirm what UI SDK version are you using?
also while trying to call 'put' api call to update 'format locale' value, it is saying : "Entity ID in request body 'some id' does not match ID in URI 'formatLocale'."
Even i am using the same id i used for post api call.
Can you please share more details about your use case? Can you share what endpoint are you calling using PUT and what is the body of the call?