Anyone have examples of a way to visually indicate...
# gooddata-ui
Anyone have examples of a way to visually indicate results of StatSig tests? we're thinking about replacing dots on a line graph with arrows pointing up or down
Hi Eugene, Could you please elaborate bit more on your question? I’m not sure if I understand. What do you mean by
way to visually indicate results of StatSig tests
and how do you imagine it in relation to GoodData? Feel free to provide some script or screenshots which might help to clarify. Any further information will be much appreciated.
Pardon the delay - Here are the outputs we're hoping to achieve. We will have the values pre-calculated. The values don't necessarily need to be calculated - though it would be nice to accomplish that within GoodData in the future.
@Julius Kos Just a friendly ping since this one got buried in a thread 😄