Hello, I'm having issues when embedding a React da...
# gooddata-ui
Hello, I'm having issues when embedding a React dashboard into a Rails app. I've followed the embedding guide and the integration part but received this error message. Could you please assist? What could cause the issue? Thank you very much!
Hi Eli, Sorry to hear about your troubles. Are you working with GoodData.CN or with GoodData Cloud, please? Also, could you be so kind and re-share the error from the console with us, please? You can simply copy-paste it as a plain text.
We are using Cloud.
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`A non-serializable value was detected in the state, in the path:
. Value: Error: An unexpected error has occurred` AnalyticalBackendError index.js:28 UnexpectedError index.js:101 convertApiError errorHandling.js:23 node_modules analytics.js:302224 getSettingsForCurrentUser index.js:87 getSettingsForCurrentUser index.js:21 loadSettingsForCurrentUser resolveDashboardConfig.js:25 resolveUserSettings resolveDashboardConfig.js:54 Redux 16 node_modules Immutable node_modules analytics.js:351180 dispatch dashboard:1 node_modules analytics.js:348704 React 8 workLoop scheduler.development.js:266 flushWork scheduler.development.js:239 performWorkUntilDeadline scheduler.development.js:533 js scheduler.development.js:571 js scheduler.development.js:633 Webpack 11 Caused by: TypeError: (intermediate value).data.data is undefined node_modules analytics.js:307710 node_modules analytics.js:302217 getSettingsForCurrentUser index.js:87 getSettingsForCurrentUser index.js:21 loadSettingsForCurrentUser resolveDashboardConfig.js:25 resolveUserSettings resolveDashboardConfig.js:54 Redux 16 node_modules Immutable node_modules analytics.js:351180 dispatch dashboard:1 node_modules analytics.js:348704 React 8 workLoop scheduler.development.js:266 flushWork scheduler.development.js:239 performWorkUntilDeadline scheduler.development.js:533 js scheduler.development.js:571 js scheduler.development.js:633 Webpack 11 Take a look at the reducer(s) handling this action type: loadingSlice/setLoadingError. (See https://redux.js.org/faq/organizing-state#can-i-put-functions-promises-or-other-non-serializable-items-in-my-store-state) dashboard236725
Thanks, please let me check internally what might be causing such an error.
👍 1
Hi Eli, may I kindly know how do you instantiate the backend? In case of cloud you can proceed (for example) as:
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const backend = tigerFactory({
  hostname: "<https://_______.demo.cloud.gooddata.com/>"
}).withAuthentication(new ContextDeferredAuthProvider(redirectToTigerAuthentication));
also these backend libraries are stored in @gooddata/sdk-backend-tiger package. May I see a portion of your
file that corresponds to @gooddata packages? Having these information we can troubleshoot better. Cheers, Jakub
Thanks, Jakub. We are using this to initialize:
const backend = tigerFactory().onHostname("<https://____.trial.cloud.gooddata.com/gdc>").withAuthentication(new ContextDeferredAuthProvider(redirectToTigerAuthentication));
@Jakub Vajda
in the endpoint address seems rather suspicious to me, can you try to remove it? Also the react-components seems to be an obsolete one, however I am not aware of the context. Now you should be able to use it as follows:
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import tigerFactory, { ContextDeferredAuthProvider, redirectToTigerAuthentication } from "@gooddata/sdk-backend-tiger";
import { BackendProvider, WorkspaceProvider } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui";
import { Dashboard } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-dashboard";
import { idRef } from "@gooddata/sdk-model";

import "@gooddata/sdk-ui-dashboard/styles/css/main.css";

const backend = tigerFactory().onHostname("<https://____.trial.cloud.gooddata.com/gdc>").withAuthentication(new ContextDeferredAuthProvider(redirectToTigerAuthentication));

const dashboard = idRef("this_hex_code_to_identify_dashboard");

<Dashboard dashboard={dashboard} />
Does it match with your case?
That's getting us further! Removing gdc helped. We now have a "No Session or Expired Session" message. We also have a number of
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XML Parsining Error: not well-formed
errors in the console. We also still have the error
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A non-serializable value was detected in the state
Here is some more context:
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import tigerFactory, { ContextDeferredAuthProvider, redirectToTigerAuthentication } from "@gooddata/sdk-backend-tiger";
import { BackendProvider, WorkspaceProvider } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui";
import { Dashboard } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-dashboard";
import { idRef } from "@gooddata/sdk-model";
import "@gooddata/sdk-ui-dashboard/styles/css/main.css";
const backend = tigerFactory()
  .onHostname("<https://_____.trial.cloud.gooddata.com/>") // this should be the domain where the GoodData Cloud or <http://GoodData.CN|GoodData.CN> is hosted
  .withAuthentication(new ContextDeferredAuthProvider(redirectToTigerAuthentication));
const dashboard = idRef("___");
export const EmbeddedDashboard = () => <Dashboard dashboard={dashboard} />;

function App() {
    return (
      <BackendProvider backend={backend}>
          <WorkspaceProvider workspace="_____">
              <EmbeddedDashboard />
And if you open https://_____.trial.cloud.gooddata.com/ in another window of that browser are you logged in? It might be a problem of mismatched cookies stored in the browser memory. Also I would check if you have allowed origin for the local development server (in example https://localhost:3030). As for the
non-serializable value detected in the state
My search pointed out, this might be some specific problem related to redux-toolkit. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61704805/getting-an-error-a-non-serializable-value-was-detected-in-the-state-when-using Are you using the toolkit? Lastly if the
is not used can you remove it? I am not sure what is the origin of the package as I cannot find that in the npm package registry.
I have verified that I am logged into gooddata in the same browser. I have removed the react-components library. CORS is properly configured for development. I am now using a different browser and and getting the message "Request Failed with Status Code 404" I am getting the error
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Tiger backend threw an error: {detail: 'The requested endpoint does not exist or you do not have permission to access it.', status: 404,
Issue resolved. Thank you for your help.
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