Hello Team, Can you please share the link for vid...
# gooddata-ui
Hello Team, Can you please share the link for video in order to create a new GoodData UI application. I could not find the videos in the GoodData University portal.
Hi Pushkar, this does not seem to be available, but I recommend checking the resources here as well: GoodData.UI - KB articles | The GoodData Community
I recall that about a year ago, GoodData University provided instructional videos for the implementation of GoodData.UI. These videos were designed to assist users in effectively executing GoodData UI. However, Now I'm unable to find those videos on the GoodData website. Please help me with this, the link you shared earlier, don't give much insights. I need to create a new project as I already have working code for my old project. But, It seems all the packages are deprecated and I am unable to run my previous code, even after upgrading all the packages to 8.12.1 version
Hi Pushkar, I’ve checked from our end and the GD.UI courses were recently removed from GoodData University because the newest version of the SDK had breaking changes that made the courses no longer valid. We intend to revamp those courses in time, but there is no ETA for this, yet. For now, you would need to rely on the KB articles, as my colleague Moises pointed out. Of course, if you have any questions feel free to ask here at the GoodData Community!