Hello guys, we're building an application using th...
# gooddata-ui
Hello guys, we're building an application using the React SDK and we are working with GoodData Cloud. We can't use the Parent-Child Filtering feature because it's supported only by GoodData Platform. Is there another way to do this? We want to be able to limit attribute elements of the attribute filter by the selected elements of the parent filter. Thanks.
Hi Carlos, I’m not sure if this is necessarily possible out of the box, but we can certainly mark this for product feedback on your behalf.
🎉 New note created.
I was under the impression that workspace data filters were designed to handle the workspace hierarchy data filtering. @Joseph Heun is that correct? https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/cloud/workspaces/workspace-data-filters/
Thank you for your prompt response. Just to clarify things a bit more, I'm specifically talking about the
component, here https://gdui-examples.herokuapp.com/attribute-filter-components/attribute-filter, Parent-Child Filtering section.
We are using the GoodData Cloud product and the documentation states that the feature is not available there, so I was wondering if there's another way to accomplish the same behavior: i.e. options on child filter updates/change after selecting an option on parent filter.