Hi, is there functionality to save/load the curren...
# gooddata-ui
Hi, is there functionality to save/load the currently selected filter settings for a user. (We are currently using the react controls)
Hi Dave, I am afraid, this is not achievable out of the box via react component, but I’d be more than happy to share your idea with our Product management team. What exact functionality are you looking for, please? Grouping of all filters and applying them at once and option to save preferred selected values based on user’s preferences?
Hi Ivana, You got it! As part of our app users sometimes want to be able to save their current filtered search for various reasons. e.g. it might have taken them a while to figure out what they want to see. Or when we load a screen we allow users to 'resume where you left off', etc.
Hello @Ivana Gasparekova, we have already discussed the topic with @Dave Hood in a different channel (https://gooddataconnect.slack.com/archives/C04S1MSLEAW/p1683661120639039) and I sent the feedback to the product team. I proposed Dave to ask in this channel regarding any best practices about how to implement dashboard views using React SDK. Maybe some of the React ninjas could hint the direction.
🙌 1
Is there any follow up...advice, etc from the "react ninjas" about the possibility of this?