hi, we have added a new field to one of our existi...
# gooddata-ui
hi, we have added a new field to one of our existing tables. How do i update the data model to include that field without impacting the data mappings?
Hello, the easiest way how to do it would be to: 1. Create a new field in the data model dataset 2. and then map it to the newly created DB column in the dataset detail (Mapping / Load configuration) More info depending on the product you are using: • GoodData PlatformGoodData Cloud
When i added the new field manually, its now giving me a dropdown of columns to choose from as mentioned in the article
Hello @Shoumik, from your response I’m not sure if the dropdown offers you the columns or not. Which version of GoodData do you use? Platform or Cloud?
We are using cloud.
In such a case please refresh the Physical data model (PDM) after adding a new column to the DB. Then the column should appear in the dropdown. https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/cloud/model-data/evolve-your-model/#EvolveYourLogicalDataModel-Example:AddaNewTabletotheLDM
so our table is existing, we are just adding a new field in that table in our DB. We need that new column to appear in GD as well.
Hi Shoumik, in case you do not see the new table column in the dropdown where you select source column for the new attribute/fact you should press the refresh button on the right side of a data source selector (in left panel of modeler) as Tomas suggests (GD platform will check currently available DB columns and update PDM).
After you refresh the left panel you can proceed to adding it as attribute or fact by pressing +ABC or +123 and then mapping of the new object of logical model to the column in mapping details
There is no refresh button showing here, just the reconnect option.
It seems you are using older version of GD CN. Click on “…” and it should display a menu with option “Scan”. If you use scan with mode “update” it should discover new columns in existing tables and they can be then used for the newly created attributes and facts in mapping tab of details dialog.
Is it possible to update the CN? I dont see any such options
Hello @Shoumik, do you have edit rights for the data source? The option to scan data source will not be available if you have read-only access to it.
Yes i can edit the data model
@Jakub Sterba we are using GD Cloud so the link is applicable for GD CN only i believe? Also, GD Cloud should not have a version mismatch since its on cloud?
Not the logical data model, but rather the data source (connection information for the DB) and related physical data model.
You are always on the latest version with GoodData Cloud. 👍
Yes i can edit the connection information. In terms of version, why is the database refresh option not appearing for me then?
Based on the database type (Seems like MySQL), I believe you are actually using GoodData platform, not GoodData Cloud. 🙂 Does your dataset detail look like this? Does it have Load configuration tab? And do you have this switcher in the top left corner of the modeler?
Yes it looks like that.
Ok, sorry for the confusion. In such a case there is no dropdown in the dataset detail dialog. Simply write there the column name as it is in the DB.
ah got it 🙂
Just be sure to reload your data once you update and save the LDM. Otherwise the newly added field will not be populated with data.
got it