Hello all, we are including the gooddata-ui in a N...
# gooddata-ui
Hello all, we are including the gooddata-ui in a NextJS application. The size of the production optimized build is over 3.7 GB. Is that expected size? Is it possible to reduce this size?
We are also using Next.JS, they provide a guiding dockerfile to minimize the bundle size using a multi-stage build with a standalone server; if you are using Vercel I don't know if that applies. But with this, our bundle is around 100MB.
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Thank you @Gonçalo Teixeira I am trying to host using AWS Amplify, where the limit is 200 MB. Can you point me to the documentation to minimize the bundle size?
here you go
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I built the container using the instructions provided. The container image size is 225 MB. No code change.
So instead of AWS amplify, docker may be the way to go.
yeah, we are not using Amplify as well