Hello :wave: I’m running into a bit of a performa...
# gooddata-ui
Hello 👋 I’m running into a bit of a performance issue with the GD React UI components integrated into our app compared to the GoodData CN UI. Specifically, the loading times are noticeably much longer when opening a dashboard using the Dashboard component vs opening the dashboard on GD.CN ui. When looking at the list of requests that the component does in our app I see 31 requests (a lot of the requests are sent multiple times). Compared to the GD.CN website, where it’s just 16. Can you please advise what’s going on? Isn’t the GD.CN website using the same Dashboard component from the UI SDK?
@Tomáš Gajdoš Hello, thanks for the report. Please can you send the HAR files, so we can investigate it a bit more? It' suspicious that on one screen, execution and other requests are totally missing.
the first file is directly from our GD.CN page. the second is loading the same dashboard with the Dashboard component from the SDK.
@Matyáš Kandl, any thoughts?
@Tomáš Gajdoš I'm looking into it and it seems a bit strange, some requests are totally missing in CN har file, did you applied any filter to the network tab? (example: there is an execution result response, but no triggered execution request)