Hi Team, Currently I am using Chart icons like ```...
# gooddata-ui
Hi Team, Currently I am using Chart icons like
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import { Bar } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-kit/dist/Icon/icons/InsightIcons/Bar
Is there any better way to use insight chart icons? I need to have the same hover effect which is there in GoodData while changing chart type in insight
@Peter Plochan @Matyáš Kandl @Jan Rehanek Can I get some thoughts on it?
Hi @Jitender Singh - I will check.
Sure @Jan Rehanek
Hi this is internal type ... You can import it as
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import { Icon } from "@gooddata/sdk-ui-kit/";
And use it like
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<Icon.Bar width={64}/>
@Jitender Singh You can use it like this, but as the whole sdk-ui-kit package is currently meant only for internal use = there may be breaking changes in the future.
@Matyáš Kandl, you mean I can use as mentioned by @Ivan Mjartan or it can also break in future ?
@Jitender Singh What mentioned @Ivan Mjartan can change in the future. We cannot guarantee anything stable in
as it's currently not meant to be public. It's mentioned in the package description https://www.npmjs.com/package/@gooddata/sdk-ui-kit
okay @Matyáš Kandl is there any other way to use icons which will be stable ?
You can use it as I described. But this package and icons are internal. So we not guarantee backwards compatibility like in public components marked as Public or Alpha. If you will use it you have to accept risk that with new version this component could has different interface or renamed or could be completely removed. So other option is separate our icons into your package.