We have a use case where we need to be able to ove...
# gooddata-ui
We have a use case where we need to be able to override a set of filters on a GoodData insight, we use the gooddata-sdk-ui-ext library. We have a baked in filter at the GoodData level and we want to keep what is set in GoodData already but add on to it using a single in. Right now, the way we have it set up, we use the InsightView React component and pass in a list of filters like so <*InsightView* insight={insight.insight_id} filters={insight.filters} config={insight.config} /> Where insight.filters is a array of positiveAttributeFilters What we need to be able to do is to essentially “override” the existing filters to pass in an filter Current curl --location --request POST 'https://<host>/api/actions/workspaces/<workspace>/execution/afm/execute' \ --header 'authority: <host> \ --header 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \ --header 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' \ --header 'authorization: Bearer <REDACTED TOKEN>' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "resultSpec": { "execution": { "filters": [ { "positiveAttributeFilter": { "label": { "identifier": { "id": “CountryCode, "type": "label" } }, "in": { "values": [ “*BAKEDINFILTERVALUE*” ] } } }, { "positiveAttributeFilter": { "label": { "identifier": { "id": "FinancialInstrument.TenantFinancialInstrumentId", "type": "label" } }, "in": { "values": [ “*VALUE WE ARE TRYING TO ADD TO IN ABOVE*” ] } } }, ], "auxMeasures": [] }, "settings": {} }' Desired curl --location --request POST 'https://<host>/api/actions/workspaces/<workspace>/execution/afm/execute' \ --header 'authority: <host> \ --header 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \ --header 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' \ --header 'authorization: Bearer <REDACTED TOKEN>' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "resultSpec": { "execution": { "filters": [ { "positiveAttributeFilter": { "label": { "identifier": { "id": “CountryCode, "type": "label" } }, "in": { "values": [ “*BAKEDINFILTERVALUE*”, “*VALUE WE ARE TRYING TO ADD*” ] } } }, ], "auxMeasures": [] }, "settings": {} }' Does the gooddata-sdk-ui-ext library provide a way to accomplish what we need ?
This could promising if we can get this working with the React component @Phanindra mentioned.
is there a prop we can pass to <InsightView /> to take advantage of this MAQL feature?
@rohit mathur see ^
@Joseph Heun - do you have an answer to the above question?
Hi Vivek, it is still being discussed what can be done. We will follow up as soon as we have more details
Thanks @Joseph Heun
Hi @Phanindra currently the
prop of the InsightView component only takes filters to be applied in addition to the filters already specified on the saved insight object. The easiest solution I can think of is to remove any filters on your saved insight (or create a copy of the original for the embedding purpose) and set the filters using the
prop. Does that work for you?
Hi @Dan Homola — thank you for your reply. Let me see if I can provide a bit of an example to elucidate what we are after. We actually are trying to do exactly what you mentioned — add new filters in addition to what filters are already saved on the insight. I think the trouble is that the filters are being combined in an unexpected way. Here is a stripped down example: Say my insight already has a filter on “Country”, similar to “WHERE Country IN [“USA”]“. So now, say I want to add an additional filter such that I have something like “WHERE Country in [“USA”, “CANADA”]” If I add a new “CANADA” filter as a prop, my result is something like: “WHERE Country in [“USA] AND Country in [“Canada”]“, which of course will always give me a null set because it expects Country to be 2 different things simultaneously. I suppose the way I’d expect to combine these 2 filters (if not just combining their “in” arrays) would be to OR them together instead of ANDing them, like: “WHERE Country in [“USA”] OR Country in [“Canada]” Hopefully that helps explain our issue — is there a way to do what we’re after there?
Hi @Igor Strupinskiy thank you for the details. Unfortunately “OR-ing” is not supported by the InsightView. What you can do in your example though is to remove the Country filter in your insight and call your InsightView with filter for IN [“USA”, “Canada”]. In other words: specify the filters only via the
prop if the InsightView. Then you would see Canada and USA.