Hi, data does not load properly in the workspace. ...
# gooddata-ui
Hi, data does not load properly in the workspace. The query on the DB select ctryid, avg(fin_rental) from all_rentals group by ctryid returns ('DE', 440.7794522387866) ('FR', 554.4516122780485) But in the Analyse page, I only see this. I've reloaded several times... Not sure why I don't see all the data.
If you use GoodData.CN, have you called uploadNotification API after you changed data in your data source?
I'm using platform directly and refreshed data. If the data only has ctryid, I see FR and DE. But as soon as I add a metric, FR disappears.
INNER JOIN is applied in this case
So if there are no rental values for FR, it would explain the current behavior
If I am not mistaken, it should be possible to display label values without facts using IFNULL: https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/2.0/create-metrics/maql/conditionals/ifnull/ You have to create a metric in metric editor.
I don't understand. This query in the DB works. select ctryid, avg(fin_rental) from all_rentals group by ctryid ('DE', 440.7794522387866) ('FR', 554.4516122780485) Then I import the table on platform and use 'Analyse' page to build a pivot table. I don't see FR values in 'Analyse'. Doesn't make sense...
From what you write I suggest that you are talking about different GoodData platform - the one where you have to upload data to our side. Right? IFNULL is irrelevant here, because there is only one table. It would be valid if ctryid would be stored in separate dimension table and there would be missing values in the fact table. Sorry for confusion.
I suppose you are using the hosted GD platform if you load data into it. I suggest to check your model in “Data” section. What is defined as primary key of the dataset you are reloading? Is it possible that configured primary key is not unique? Merge operation is performed during load and later rows with the same key will replace previously uploaded data. This behaviour is handy for incremental uploads but it may manifest also when primary key is incorrectly declared during full loads.
@Jakub Sterba good to know that can happen with primary keys. I think the problem here is that we have country tables with different column types so the view "union all" going into gooddata breaks. I see part of the records (attribute columns) but not the facts. I have to look closer but it may be some tables have double type others floats. Anyway, needs to be corrected at db level, we shouldn't have different types.
Thanks for the help!