# gooddata-ui
👀 1
Hi Michael, Thank you for noticing this, appreciated. We will correct the code snippet within the article.
Also, putting a default value for filter doesn't work Gives Error loading filter on screen: <AttributeFilterButton filter={newPositiveAttributeFilter(Md.MthCode, ["2021 12"])} onApply={onApply} /> Loads correctly: <AttributeFilterButton filter={newPositiveAttributeFilter(Md.MthCode, [])} onApply={onApply} />
Hi Michael - Could I see the text of the error? Also, important question: Are you using GoodData.CN (Docker image/Helmchart) as your backend or the hosted platform?
Hi, I'm using the hosted platform from the react starter with gd.ui. The component initially renders, I see the value as default but then error appear on screen. Need to check again with console if you need more info.
Please have a look at https://gooddataconnect.slack.com/archives/C01UR5BGAHY/p1653381960033109 - mainly the last few anwers. The key part is that it is not possible to use a list of values with the hosted backend - only a list of uris. If you use values, the filter errors out upon the first refresh of the React component.
Ok, I'll fall back to using AttributeFilter, thanks. Was hoping is was fixed in 8.10.0.