Hi, I am new to GoodData. I need to do some custom...
# gooddata-ui
Hi, I am new to GoodData. I need to do some customization in the charts 1. Add icons & images 2. Changes to font size and color 3. Add background color to the widgets or charts Please help me with how to achieve these changes. I attached the images for reference
Hello Vicky. Just to be on the same page, are you our UI SDK in a custom web application?
Hello @Jan Rehanek, I am using React.Js for web application
For color: https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui/docs/chart_config.html#custom-color-palette and https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui/docs/theme_provider.html For fonts and related: https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui/docs/chart_config.html#customize-tooltips-and-fonts For the icons and images, I am not sure - are you referring to inserting the icons and images into the actual components?
I think that is will be necessary to implement custom visualizations to achieve the results in the attached images. See https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui/docs/create_new_visualization.html and also some example usage here: https://gdui-examples.herokuapp.com/execute
@Jan Rehanek I need to insert PNG or SVG Images in Components
@Jan Rehanek @Matyáš Kandl
colorPalette: [
{ guid: "01", fill: { r: 195, g: 49, b: 73, }, }, ] Can you please tell me what is guid?
Hi Vicky, a quick update. What you are trying to achieve visually might be doable with a custom plugin, as described in https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui/docs/dashboard_plugins.html and https://github.com/gooddata/gooddata-plugin-examples. It’s also possible in other ways, for example custom work with React hooks and execution components. Either way though, it is pretty different from what we offer out-of-the-box, so a lot of work there would have to be done by you and your development team.
Checking the GUID thing, I am actually not sure out of hand.
@Vicky Kumar
is unique id of the color - it can be used to map the color palette to a particular chart part (typically some measure). See also https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/dashboards-and-insights/importing-custom-color-palettes