Hello Guys, for graphic i am curious if it is poss...
# gooddata-ui
Hello Guys, for graphic i am curious if it is possible to build a heatmap using gooddata ui. In the demo's i just saw that there were maps with only pins. In our business we will need to highlight differetn areas of a map(like the us map, or us state) according to different metrics
Hi Mircea, The following documentation should help you build the heatmap: https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui/docs/heatmap_component.html
Thank you for your answear
I see that the heatmap is build on a sort of table
I would like the heatmap to be on the US map for exemple
With different us states being colored differently according to certain metrics
aah yes, it is only possible to display geo charts with pushpins at the moment
I saw on the documentation that there is a way to also build a custom chart. Could i possibly use that to build what i need?
but you can display certain areas with colored circles representing the size of the data in that selected region
geocharts with heatmaps? and also geocharts with different other stuff on them then pins?
Hello @Mircea Nedelcu, what you are most likely looking for is a custom
<Execute />
component that's part of the GoodData.UI library. The way this component works is that you provide it the execution payload (metrics, attributes, filters) and the component will return raw data; you can then continue to implement a custom visualization populated by this raw data. The documentation for the
<Execute />
component is here: https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui/docs/create_new_visualization.html. And here's a live example that implements a custom Dependency Wheel visualization: https://codesandbox.io/s/github/gooddata/gooddata-ui-examples/tree/master/example-execute?file=/src/App/index.js. In a very similar way you could implement a custom geo heatmap. Let us know if this helps!
@Jiri Zajic Is there a way to use my custom component in the analytic designer?
@Mircea Nedelcu not yet. Currently it is possible to use custom component in a custom GoodData.UI application, or it can be used as part of a Dashboard Plugin on the Dashboards. Getting 3rd party custom components into Analytical Designer is on our long-term roadmap, but it is a non-trivial task, so for now I can't even share an estimate when this will be ready.
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