Hello I have created a GoodData.UI application and...
# gooddata-ui
Hello I have created a GoodData.UI application and I am trying to deploy it using the docker image on our server. The backend we are using is on GoodData platform. When I try to open the URL, I get the following error. Any help on how to proceed with this is appreciated.
Hi Hrudhai. Have you had the chance to read through https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui/docs/platform_cors.html ? It deals with overcoming cross-origin issues.
I did go through this but I am confused about whether I need to white-label my domain if I'm using GoodData Platform as my analytical engine. If not, do I directly proceed with adding the domain where my GoodData.UI is hosted to origin?
Secondly, I am currently on the free plan so will I be able access the APIs to add my domain to allowed origins
Hi Hrudhai, since you are on the free plan, you will need to discuss this with your account owner, or sales rep. They will need to talk with you about enabling the whitelabel add-on for your free domain. This is generally for trial purposes and can be used for a few weeks for testing.
Regarding your API calls, the domain admin can make any call related to the domain as needed.
Is there no way to deploy my React application in a server without opting for the Whitelabelling? I want to use the developed dashboard for a customer demo and I have been facing this difficulty for the past couple of weeks
Hi Rajasekhar, to deploy your React application you dont need the Whitelabelling for it. You just need an arbitrary hostname for it to embed. This doc here may be useful.
Okay. Let me try this out
This worked. Thanks!!!