Hello :star2: I have now deployed my app through f...
# gooddata-ui
Hello 🌟 I have now deployed my app through firebase hoastig and my login does not work. I cant login on my hoast URL. The error i get in my console is: “An unexpected error has occured” do you guys have an answer to this?
Hello Nicole, we need to know more in order to help you. Can you please share the contents of the request? You can get it using the Network of Developer Tools in your browser.
Hello @Jiri Zajic ofc, this below is my login page to my app, the app you see is a hoasted url. this is the url: https://brandr-web.web.app/ when i try to login i get these errors in the console. When i login on my local hoast i dont get this error 😭
Hello Nicole! I can see the console output, could you now please share the failed network request from the Network tab? 🙏
Hello @Jiri Zajic Yes sorry 😅 Here it is:
Everything seems fine here, the profile got loaded with HTTP 200 which means ok.
@Jiri Zajic Why do i get an unexpected error when I try to login? 👀
It is hard to say 😞 But the /profile/current endpoint returns HTTP 200 OK, so it seems are authenticated just fine.
It is most likely some frontend error that's just not letting you past the login screen. Can you investigate/debug further on your side?
@Jiri Zajic I dont know how or where to debug, is it an api call? but i am not doing any api calls, i am calling the backend with the IAnalyticalBackend, should i debug there?
Nicole, try the following for the test purpose: Place an
<InsightView />
component directly on your login screen, e.g. under the login button. If the insight renders correctly, it means you are correctly authenticated, and you need to debug/investigate on your side why your app won't redirect user to the home page.
Hello @Jiri Zajic Thank you for your help! We solved this, it had to do with the way we ran our run build script 👀 In the beginning we ran
npm run build
. The first time we tried
npm run build-with-explicit-hostname
it didint do anything for us. When we ran that script again it worked 👀 , thank you for your help 🥳
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