Is it possible to modify the layout to make an ins...
# gooddata-ui
Is it possible to modify the layout to make an insights position sticky?
Currently, all insights are positioned as fixed, and there isn't a way to overlap reports. Could you provide more details as to your use case and how would like to display the insights?
Its a bit of a weird situation, I’ve added a react-select object to our dashboard via plugin, this dropdown selects a dynamic measure to be applied to multiple insights in the dashboard. I was wondering if there was a way to make it be sticky like the div that holds the filter bar
Hi Justin. We do not have an API to configure this behavior yet. I would try to use React’s portal, place the drop-down outside of the dashboard layout in DOM (i.e. put it into a new <div> at the end of <body>, as an overlay) and position it with CSS. This is not the cleanest solution, but might work just fine depending on your use case.
Thanks I will give it a shot.