Hi there, I'm trying to use the GoodData SDK in a ...
# gooddata-ui
Hi there, I'm trying to use the GoodData SDK in a React project my team is working on. I noticed this SDK is only supported for React =16.8.0, <17.0.0> which is an impediment for our team as we are on the latest version of React (17.0.2). Would it be possible to update your GitHub repository to provide support for the latest React versions? 🙂 UPDATE: I see on your roadmap that your team is working on this for this month. Thanks for your hard work!
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Thanks for posting this @Cam. Our team at Audette is currently on a trial of GoodData, and having React 17 support is important to us. If anyone has any more information about a release timeline please let us know!
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cc: @Andy
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Hello all. The React 17 support is planned to be released on January 27th, in v8.8 of the GD.UI SDK.
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Great! Thanks for getting back to us