Can I use gdc-catalog-export with gooddata-CN in a...
# gooddata-ui
Can I use gdc-catalog-export with gooddata-CN in a dev environment?
Hello Sheldon! Jiri from GoodData here. Yes, you can use gdc-catalog-export with GoodData.CN, I believe the tool doesn't care if it's a dev/staging/prod environment, as long as you specify the host correctly (i.e., for dev env it will most likely be some localhost:PORT).
How should I set the API token? I tried setting it as an env variable but that doesnt seem to work
and I'm not sure setting the backend in the config file is getting picked up either. I am looking through the source of the tool to figure out how as well
when i run
gdc-catalog-export -V
I get 3.0.3
I installed it using
yarn global add gdc-catalog-export
Hmm, let me check that 3.0.3 is the latest version, because I don't think so 🤔
what node version does it need?
yea I see 8.5.0 as the latest version
on npm
Ah, I see what the problem is!
ah okay
Please run
yarn global remove gdc-catalog-export
and run
yarn global add @gooddata/catalog-export
I just did what the docs said to do 🙂
silly me
Sure let me try that
Please point me to the docs where it says
yarn global add gdc-catalog-export
, it is an outdated command that needs to be fixed on our side 🙏
dang it my bad ... dunno why I'm looking at the v4.1.1 docs
This is for GoodData.UI v4.1.1 and for that, gdc-catalog-export would be correct.
Yup, but I'll still make a note of that it is confusing and see how we can improve this. Maybe some yellow/orange banner at the top when you're looking on an older version of GD.UI.
Sorry for confusion! Let me know if it is resolved now.
okay. got it working.. thanks so much
No problem, thank you!