hello I’ve done a quick google and couldn;t find a...
# gd-beginners
hello I’ve done a quick google and couldn;t find anything obvious - I have a report that is designed to show one customer at a time. I want to set a filter that will apply across all pages at once. In Quicksight you can achieve this by setting a parameter that can be referenced by a filter. Is there something similar in GoodData? or another way that the same result can be achieved?
Hi Jamie, I’m not entirely sure I grasp what you’re aiming to achieve. Would you mind sharing some screenshots of your report, accompanied by a legend or additional explanation?
@Evangelos Malandrakis FYI...I think we asked something similar, maybe you can add that to this as reference.
Maybe this is similar to what @Jamie Lawrie described. https://gooddataconnect.slack.com/archives/C04S1MSLEAW/p1712747832301749