Boa noite! Estou criando um relatorio onde minha t...
# gd-beginners
Boa noite! Estou criando um relatorio onde minha tabela de onde vem as informações tem varios valores, do mesmo item, mas com datas de compras diferentes. Gostaria de retornar apenas o valor da ultima compra. Não sei que metrica poderia utilizar para retornar assim.
Hi Tomas, unfortunately I don’t speak Portuguese 🙂 But from my understanding, you’ll use the Max Dates functionality to pull data based the last dates when specific events occurred. You can find out more details on this here:[…]d-tutorials/finding-min-and-max-dates-using-date-arithmetic/ And if you’re new to MAQL, I would like to recommend that you take a look at our free GoodData University courses which covers MAQL that will help you creating the metrics you’re after and more:
Goodnight! I'm trying to use the first_value metric, but it's not working. Could anyone help me, or is there another way?
The FIRST_VALUE function is only available for our GoodData Cloud product. However, from your screenshot I can see that you’re actually working with our GoodData Platform product.
Are there any metrics similar to what I can use on any good data platform? I want it to only return the last purchase price of the period that the user entered in the dashboard filter.