Hi, I get this error message more than half the ti...
# gd-beginners
Hi, I get this error message more than half the time I save a new graph. When I start a new Dashboard, it works fine, but after a few graphs, each time I save it, it bugs. I then need to go back and the graph I created is available as a "Saved insight", so I just pick it up and place it in the dashboard. But it takes me about twice as long to do anything. Anyone knows why this is? Some colleagues have the same problems, others don't...
Hi Jonathan, can you please tell me which GD product you’re using - Is this GoodData Platform or GoodData Cloud? Also, I have not come across this issue myself, so to help, would you please be so kind as to provide me the exact steps I need to take to replicate this behaviour in my own workspaces?
Thanks Michael! It's GD Cloud. I can send you a Loom video to show what happens?
Sure, that would work - Thanks!
Hi Jonathan, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. But I am not able to replicate this issue, nor my colleagues on our side. So perhaps this is some local issue or browser issue - Can you please try updating your current browser and also trying a different browser all together to see if this helps in this case?
Hi Michael, I use both safari and chrome and both have that issue. I've updated last version of Chrome and it still happens...
Hi Jonathan, I was able to reproduce the behaviour showed in your screencast. I think the best course of action would be to create an internal ticket on your behalf and discuss this matter there. We will reach out to you shortly.
Ok thanks