Hi all, I’m using GoodData Cloud and would like th...
# gd-beginners
Hi all, I’m using GoodData Cloud and would like the filters to react to what’s already filtered. Let’s say I have three filters: Country, State and City, when I apply the Country filter, I would like the state filter to be updated to show only the states of that country. Same for city. How can I do this?
Hi Brunno, Cascading filters are not yet present in GoodData Cloud product. However, it is definitely one of our priorities for future developments. Currently, I cannot give you any precise timeline, but we hope to introduce this feature somewhere in Q4 of this year. I recommend you to watch or even subscribe to our product release notes here https://support.gooddata.com/hc/en-us/sections/7552950634899-Release-Notes
Ok, I see! Thanks @Julius Kos
@Brunno Araujo Also, I will submit a product feedback on your behalf so our product team is notified that there is some further interest in this functionality.
Is there a way to retrieve data using the Good Data API? so I can use this data to apply the filters on front end?
Great, thanks for that!
🎉 New note created.
Sorry, I totally overlooked your other question. Can you please elaborate a bit more in regards how would you imagine this flow to work and what would be the reason for such an functionality?
@Julius Kos thanks! I need some way for the filters to cascade, so I’m thinking of using the GoodData API to retrieve the necessary data for the filters, based on user selections and through the React SDK populate the filter items in the front end.
I see, thanks for the clarification. Please let me double-check this internally if there are any suitable options.
Thank you!
@Brunno Araujo One more note - I would meanwhile recommend you to re-post this question to the gooddata-ui channel so our dedicated experts in this field could check and advise.
Sure, I will do that!
🙌🏼 1
@Matthieu Schille