Hi All :wave: , I have a query regarding a drill-i...
# gd-beginners
Hi All 👋 , I have a query regarding a drill-into capability. 🎯 I wanted to check if there is a way to make a field as hyperlink/clickable in the drill-into dataset. • For example:- If I have a bar chart visual and have configured drill-into, which then opens a pop-up displaying another insight in tabular view (rows and columns). Now one of the field is a url however, it is not clickable (does not behave as a hyperlink). 💡 In general, I know that we can configure hyperlinks in a dashboard (not insight), as drill-into URL but is there a way to do it even for drill-into table views. ✔️ I thought of a workaround where I can make the drill-into from KPI navigate to a dashboard (with tabular view only) instead of an insight (tabular) and there in the dashboard, I can configure it as drill-into url. However, this would mean that for each drill-into insights, I would have to create a dashboard out of it with only that one table displaying the underlying KPI data and then configure url in each of them. These dashboards would also have to be shared with workspace uses (I guess) for it to be accessible in the drill-into action. This is a longer route and un-desirable. I was hoping for any other developer friendly option.
Hi Shankar, based on your description, you have been configuring the Drill-to URL individually on each insight in a Dasboard, correct? Have you tried Enabling drillable attribute labels instead? This feature is meant to allow the label to always work as a Hyperlink, any time it is displayed. I believe it should work for drill-into insights too. Give it a shot and let us know if it works out!
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Hi Francisco, thank you for the swift response. Yes, this works good for fully qualified URLs, however breaks for certain fields which are uri (not url); where I am implementing custom url <https://mydomain.com/{fruits/id}>. The custom url piece works fine in dashboard because I can still configure and drill-into url but I do not have any option to configure it at the insight level. Is there a way to get past this ?
I see! The label does rely on having fully qualified URLs to work. I’m afraid that you’d have to use the workaround that you described in your original post to get that to work. One detail, though: you can set the Sharing options on the Dashboard so that other users can Drill into it, even if it is not shared with them. That way you don’t have to make the dashboard visible to your end-users to configure the drilling in the way you want. See the screenshot below, of the window you get when you click the Share button on the top-right corner of a Dashboard.
Yes that is a great suggestion on the user-sharing piece, and it should work. Thank you Francisco 👍
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