hi can we compare attribute with facts
# gd-beginners
hi can we compare attribute with facts
Hi Gaurav, I am afraid, this is not possible right now. What exactly should be a result of such comparison, please? Could you provide me some example, please?
i have two model one is course and another is assigned course in assigned course one facts with name of course id and i want to get assigned course data by using this
in sql my query like [Yesterday 9:16 PM] Rameshwar Vyevhare select COUNT(UCA.user_id) from user_course_assignments AS UCA INNER JOIN Courses AS C ON C.id = UCA.course_id
I assume, that you are speaking about two datasets, rather than two models. Firstly, I’d probably convert the “course ID” from the fact to the attribute, as it makes better sense for IDs in general.
how can we do this?
i didn't get it will you please help me in query
please reply
Hi Gaurav, as you are probably aware that MAQL statements depend on the logical data model in the workspace. You can connect datasets in MAQL with the BY caluse. There is an older article describing the use of explicit lifting for creating the connections, but the images are from the older product. However, the theory is the exact same. Moreover, there is an excellent free course on creating LDM’s and metrics in our GoodData University page which you may find very beneficial.
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