Hi, I hope you are doing well. I need to change ...
# gd-beginners
Hi, I hope you are doing well. I need to change my company's domains on Gooddata. We have different URLs depending on the environment. For instance, X-free.on.gooddata.com for the free environment and X-dev.on.gooddata.com for the dev environment. Do I need to change the domain once then the URL for every environment will me modified automatically? => the free and dev environments get modified automatically. OR Do I need to change the URL for every environment? => I need to change the free and the dev environments. Moreover, it is not clear: how can I move all the current workspaces from the old domain to the new one? Thank you in advance, I am a complete noob on those subjects. Ambrose
Hi Ambrose, could you please confirm which product you are using. Is it the Free Cloud trial, or are you working with the platform?
I am working with the platform
Thank you Joseph!
You will want to whitelabel your domain as mentioned here: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/growth/en/expand-your-gooddata-platform/gooddata-integr[…]tion/white-label-your-domain/white-label-an-existing-domain/, however, there are some things you may need to discuss with your account owner in order to access the add-ons.
Just make sure that you enable a user who has access to the domain when you are making the clone
there is no way to avoid cloning/exporting workspaces? We have more than a dozen workspaces with their data sources
and I guess, all the schemas and authorizations will disappear too
You could certainly manage all your workspaces via LCM
we are already, but we would have to refresh the mappings in the data models, etc
moreover, do we need to white label one url for all environments or one url for each environment?
How are you implementing the LCM exactly? The mappings shouldn’t need to be refreshed. If something needs to change in the LDM, it needs to be done in the source master workspace.
In regards to whitelabeling, you will need to white label one URL for each environment
thank you
but we have many dashboards that are not linked to the LCM
I guess we will have to reclone everything from scratch
I’m afraid if they are not managed within the LCM then you will need to clone them manually
thank you!
it makes sense but still 😕
the name of the environment can be anything? Just to be sure
thank you, I will find a funny name