Greetings! I'm playing with `gooddata/gooddata-cn-...
# gd-beginners
Greetings! I'm playing with
image and want to observe my Postgres materialized views as a data source. I've successfully set up the connection to DB but after scan, only tables are presented as data sources within 'Data Sources' section. My question is: are matviews supported in Community Edition?
Hi Vadim, Could you double-check if the scanned PostgreSQL data source really contains some materialized view(s), please? If they do not appear in the left panel in your LDM Modeler, I am afraid that we do not support scanning them yet.
Hello Vadim, I checked and the scanning of materialized tables has been recently implemented and is currently in verification. It is scheduled to be released on Nov 15 in the GoodData Cloud, and the GoodData.CN typically follows shortly after. Please give it another 2-3 weeks and this functionality will be there!
Great, thank you, will definitely try it out
👍 2