Hello. My boss telling me there is a new version o...
# gd-beginners
Hello. My boss telling me there is a new version of GoodData. How can I find it? Is it this one?
Hello @Alexander Penzin, the GoodData portal (Analyze, Dashboards, …) is updated automatically and there is no action required on your side for this to happen. The hosted GoodData.CN and our libraries and SDKs (such as GoodData.UI) are released on a regular basis and you can always find the @latest version in their respective package managers (Docker for GoodData.CN, npmjs for GoodData.UI).
🙏 1
For more please subscribe for our release notes at https://support.gooddata.com/hc/en-us/sections/203564877-Release-Notes by clicking the Follow button.
Also please answer my second question.. Thank you