hello. I have a question. How can I get the SST in...
# gd-beginners
hello. I have a question. How can I get the SST in the free version of Gooddata platform? Thank you very much for the help
Hi Franco, you obtain the SST (SuperSecured Token) while logging into Gooddata platform. You can also do so using API - https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/expand-your-gooddata-platform/api-reference#tag/login and specify weather it will return as HTTP Cookie or custom HTTP header. Let me know if you have further questions regarding this.
@Julius Kos According to the documentation, the answer should be { "userLogin": { "state": "http://example.com", "profile": "http://example.com", "token": "string" } } but I only get: { "userLogin": { "profile": "/gdc/account/profile/81ab4731b9784dc0f24b5676cd40c6ca", "state": "/gdc/account/login/81ab4731b9784dc0f24b5676cd40c6ca" } } the token is missing. remember that I am using the free version of GD platform Thank you very much for the help
You will find GDAuthTT and GDAuthSST as part of your header "Set-Cookie" and as part of Cookies as well