Hi, I'm just new with GoodData - Is there a refere...
# gd-beginners
Hi, I'm just new with GoodData - Is there a reference or tutorial video that I can watch? Have few questions on how to add new field (i.e Record No) and do a count non distinct aggregation? Thank you in advance! :)
Hi Kristine! Thanks for you interest in GD! I would recommend to check our University: https://university.gooddata.com/ And regarding your 2nd question, you can check our Aggregation Functions: https://help.gooddata.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=86795301
Thank you, Daniela! Community page is very helpful. Now, I am stuck with element masking as I am getting a different result. I need to know how I can masked metric information for a certain attribute. Ex. Store Name as the attribute and Sales as the metric. When I select Store 1 (ABC) - I should be able to see all the sales coming from the other stores but the store name is masked as "Other Stores". Like mentioned, I was able to play with the Element Masking, but my issue now is - sales are not visible (like null). It should be the other way around. Hope you can share your thoughts. ☺️
Hi Kristine, please allow me to step in. Can you please confirm you created your project/metric in the Pixel Perfect user interface? Please note that Element masking is available only in the Pixel-perfect interface (Enterprise Customers). In Analytical Designer, element masking is not supported. If you created it in the Pixel Perfect UI, feel free to check our documentation on this topic and let us know on which step are you stuck or if you need further help 🙂
Thanks, Moises. I was able to execute the element masking - I'm doing it incorrectly the first time but was able to recreate it again. 🙂
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