The release notes for <GD.CN> 3.3.1 have the follo...
# gooddata-cn
The release notes for GD.CN 3.3.1 have the following note about redis deprecation:
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Deprecation of the Redis Cache
We are moving forward with FlexQuery, our new caching layer. Therefore we encourage you to switch from the Redis cache used in older version of <http://Gooddata.CN|Gooddata.CN> (prior 3.0.0) as the default caching layer if you are not using FlexQuery yet. Our goal is to remove support for Redis cache by end of January 2024.
Looking at the 3.5.5 chart, I still see a redis template and redis configuration in it. Has redis actually been deprecated in 3.5.5? If so, what do we have to do in our helm chart to remove our dependency on redis? How can we verify that the replacement for redis is functioning in our environment as expected? Thanks for guidance.
Redis was deprecated for caching computed results, but it is still being used for other purposes. Please do not remove it from your deployment. In case you changed size of redis memory to higher value, you may set it lower now. 250 MB or so should now be sufficient, because FlexQuery stores caches on S3 and not in Redis.
Ah, ok, good to know. Where can we find guidance on configuring S3 for use with FlexQuery? Are the S3 and FS storage types mutually exclusive? The "durableStorageType" setting implies that they are, but the "s3DatasourceFsStorage" setting implies not, so I'm a bit confused.
Should the S3 bucket defined in s3DurableStorage be different than the bucket defined in s3DatasourceFsStorage? Can we ignore s3AccessKey and s3SecretKey if the S3 policy allows access to our GD service account? What S3 permissions are needed?
Do we need a value under quiver.fsDurableStorage.storageClassName? If so, what storage class is recommended and what storage does this refer to?