This is a follow up to the above thread concerning...
# gooddata-cn
This is a follow up to the above thread concerning migration of our workspaces in GCP to AWS: To keep things simple, we started with our newest workspace on GCP, which is pointing to a Snowflake data source (rather than BigQuery) - so we could avoid migrating any column names. To perform the migration, we followed the below steps: 1) Called GET /api/v1/layout/workspaces for our org on GCP 2) Updated the dataSourceId's in the returned JSON to match the dataSourceId's on AWS 3) Called PUT /api/v1/layout/workspaces for the corresponding org on AWS with the updated JSON The process was straightforward. I didn't check everything, but it seems to have populated the entire workspace, including LDM, metrics, attributes, insights, etc with the same ID's as on GCP. However, I'm hitting an issue where insights that render on GCP do not render on AWS. On AWS I receive an error message that the insight cannot be found (but the insight appears in the dropdown list of available insights!). I compared the URL's on GCP and AWS and they have the same path after the hostname. On GCP: https://[hostname]/analyze/#/b922ec833042440287f8e8837607fb6b/d1c4dc49-bcf6-4aab-97ae-54f0e6b2368a/edit On AWS: https://[hostname]/analyze/#/b922ec833042440287f8e8837607fb6b/d1c4dc49-bcf6-4aab-97ae-54f0e6b2368a/edit I verified that both the workspace "b922ec833042440287f8e8837607fb6b" and insight "d1c4dc49-bcf6-4aab-97ae-54f0e6b2368a" exist on AWS (calling the /api/v1/entities/workspaces/{workspaceId}/visualizationObjects endpoint for visualization objects, the insight appears in the returned objects with the same ID). So it seems that some required element is not being migrated. One clue shows up in the UI requests: On AWS, there is a failed request to POST /api/v1/actions/workspaces/{workspaceId}/execution/collectLabelElements, which suggests there's some issue collecting labels to render the insight. The same request succeeds on GCP. Is there some step we might be missing? Or is there some wrong assumption we're making about the migration? What are the "labelElements" and how would we transfer these elements to AWS as they exist in GCP (if this is in fact the root cause)? Thanks for any ideas.
Did you really start with calling GET /api/v1/layout/workspaces? If so, it migrates only workspaces, but not data sources. We suggested to use organization-level API instead, which migrates workspaces, data sources, users, permissions, etc., basically everything.
Hi Jan, yes, we started with GET /api/v1/layout/workspaces. We do not want to migrate data sources or users, which is why we did not choose the organization-level API. Would label elements be migrated with the organization but not with the workspaces? Is there a way we could migrate just the missing label elements?
I see. Label elements are calculated similarly to how reports are calculated. The same metadata (labels in LDM) are used. I need more info about failed executions. Please, open the web developer console and find details about the error.
Here is the HAR file from the network tab in Chrome. I did not see any errors in the server logs. Let me know if you need additional info. Also attaching a screen shot of the network tab from the devtools console:
I opened the HAR file and found the error:
Thank you, Jan. Will investigate.
As a sanity check, I tested with the organization layout API but we are still not able to view insights (GET /api/v1/layout/organization on GCP and PUT /api/v1/layout/organization on AWS). Investigating further, the issue seems to be that the physical model is getting lost during migration. It is not clear how we should recreate the PDM from our GCP deployment on the AWS side, but neither the organization layout nor the workspace layout seems to transfer the mappings between the logical and physical models. When I look at the details of an entity on AWS, I see that the entity is not mapped and the source columns are not mapped:
However, the entities and source columns are mapped on our GCP deployment:
Looking at the returned JSON, it seems the physical model is exported from our v2.5 deployment on GCP under the dataSources node (GET /api/v1/layout/dataSources or GET /api/v1/layout/organization). But this node does not exist in the v3.1 model. In the v3.1 model, it appears we have to call POST /api/v1/actions/dataSources/{workspaceId}/generateLogicalModel to import the PDM. After observing this, I tried calling POST /generateLogicalModel on AWS with the PDM node in the request set to the contents of the PDM node from GCP, but the entities and columns were still unmapped. I also tried importing the workspace again, but the LDM is still unmapped. It seems there's a chicken and egg problem here: the workspace needs a PDM in order to create the LDM, but the PDM needs a workspace ID to generate an LDM, so we have no clear starting point or order of steps. It seems this problem could be solved by configuring the PDM with the data source (as in v2.5), but this behavior seems to have been removed in v3.0 (where the PDM node is not allowed under the dataSource). Is there a way we can get around this issue and migrate our workspaces onto a valid PDM? Is there something we're missing about how the API's are supposed to work? Thanks for any suggestions.
Eh, we have always been afraid of something like that will happen. Between v2.5 and v3.1 we deprecated and then removed the PDM. We moved all physical properties into LDM. When you export organization from v2.5, PDM is there. When you try to import it to v3.1, PDM no longer can be imported and the LDM from v2.5 does not contain required PDM properties. There are two solution options: • Write a script transferring PDM properties from v2.5 PDM to v3.1 LDM • Upgrade GCP from v2.5 to v3.1 and then do the migration without any obstacles Which solution would you prefer?
@Jan Soubusta I'm afraid we'll have to go with the first approach, since we're not able to upgrade our production deployments so quickly on GCP, but we need some data migrated to AWS now for our tests on the new platform.
Is it possible you can provide a summary of what elements should be migrated by script from the v2.5 PDM to the v3.1 LDM and where these elements are expected in the JSON to POST /api/v1/layout/workspaces?
Let me discuss it internally. Will get back to you ASAP
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thank you @Jan Soubusta
One of our devs asked if the gooddata-python-sdk could help us with this problem. Or would we run into the same issue with the SDK's?
We are going to recommend you an official procedure how to handle this situation. I involved our support and an engineer who was responsible for the implementation. They are going to contact you ASAP.
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@Pete Lorenz Hello, here is the procedure to add PDM information into LDM in all workspaces of one organization. One of the requirements is license key for all-in-one docker image. @Jan Kos will help you with that. Please note, that the procedure was updated for your scenario in a timely manner. If you hit any issue let us know.
How to enrich LDM in organization via all-in-one TR3.0.0 v20240109.pdf
Just to explain TR3.0.0 deployment contains code which is able to move PDM information into LDM. It is triggered any time someone uploads into the deployment LDM without PDM.
It would be possible to implement the same logic with pythonSDK but hopefully you will not need that.
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Hi Pete for the guide ^ you’ll need GD.CN container edition (AIO - all in one image). Different license key is required to run AIO. I’ve reached out to our colleague to generate the license key for you (however it is possible that he is off for today). I’ll let you know once I know more.
ok, thank you @Jan Kos
For some context, we'd like to migrate all of our tenants from GCP to AWS in 3 environments (dev, stage, prod). So we'll need to run this procedure about 15 times (possibly more if we hit errors and need to re-run the same migration multiple times). I hope we can have one license key that's good for multiple uses. @Jan Kos
Thank you @Pavel Cerny, this makes sense. Can't wait to get the license key so we can try it 😀
@Jan Kos can you explain how we will receive the required license file?
@Pavel Cerny where would we obtain the AIO image?
It is publicly available on docker hub. The procedure contains command to spin it up in
Setup environment
step. This part:
Copy code
docker run -i -t -p 3000:3000 -p 5432:5432 -e GDCN_LICENSE_KEY="$GDCN_LICENSE_KEY" \
-v gd-volume:/data gooddata/gooddata-cn-ce:3.0
ah, ok, perfect
AIO is abbreviation for gooddata all-in-one docker image
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I see, thank you
Hi @Jan Kos, can you let us know when we'll have a license for the AIO image?
Hi Pete, I’m sorry, I’m still discussing it with my colleague and your account owner, I’ll let you know.
Ok, thanks Jan, this is blocking our migration to AWS, so if there's any way we can expedite things, we'd most appreciate it 🙏
hi @Pete Lorenz I have sent to Rohit Mathur a contract with the terms and condition of the GD.CN Container edition, once reviewed and signed we'll share with your team a new licence key. Regards
Thanks @Pablo Castro!
@Pete Lorenz I shared with you the license Key via email. Let us know if all is Ok 🙂
Thank you @Pablo Castro. I just received it, we truly appreciate your support on this! 😀
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Thank you @Jan Soubusta, @Jan Kos, @Pavel Cerny, and @Pablo Castro. We were able to successfully migrate one tenant's workspace from v2.5 on GCP to v3.1 on AWS using the AIO image. We appreciate your helpful support on this issue. 🎉
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