Hello! With the release of 3.1.0, I have some ques...
# gooddata-cn
Hello! With the release of 3.1.0, I have some questions about the usage of Redis. • Where is Redis being currently used?
? What about
, since it is for metadata cache according to the architecture • What elements of Redis will be removed in January? "Our goal is to remove support for Redis cache by end of January 2024" from Release Notes of 3.1.0 • What can we do now on 3.1.0 to start removing the usage of Redis?
Hello, you don't need to do anything to start removing the usage of Redis. The standard LRU will expire all relevant records. The future data volume stored in Redis will be smaller by order of magnitude - no report results (both raw and final) will be stored in Redis anymore. All metadata-related records will stay in Redis. They relate to: • Metadata about report executions • Metadata for Calcique