Is there a mechanism to filter the list of insight...
# gooddata-cn
Is there a mechanism to filter the list of insights that show in the drop list of the Analytical Designer? Looking specifically to filter out insights defined in master workspaces from the listing shown to child workspaces
I’m afraid that this is currently not possible. Could you provide more details as to your full use case and maybe we could provide a workaround?
Hi Joseph, the use case we are looking to support is a subscription model for insights. The master has a 'library' of insights that child workspaces can preview and subscribe to before making an insight available to users of the child workspace. It isnt feasible for users of the child workspace to be forced to scroll/browse through the entire library of insights. The sharing control on dashboards helps us achieve this behavior for dashboards. We need something like that for insights too.
Hi Joseph, were you able to get any information that might be of use to me?
Hi Sheldon, I’m afraid there isn’t an option to sort and filter insights in the search bar. We can certainly mark this down as product feedback for you so our product team can review the feature.
🎉 New note created.