Hi Everyone. I was wondering if by any chance ther...
# gooddata-cn
Hi Everyone. I was wondering if by any chance there was any additional guidance/documentation on the prometheus metrics exposed by the various GD services apart from what is mentioned here
Hello Manuel, I’m afraid that we don’t have more information documented on this as Prometheus is a third party monitoring toolkit. If you have some particular questions, we will gladly raise it with our engineering. However, we would need to know your exact use-case. Feel free to provide more information and we will check internally.
Yeah I was mostly just interested to see if there was any documentation on the metrics that the services themselves publish. Not really concerned about prometheus itself. It would be nice if there was something like what Pulsar has. Where they document the metrics they expose https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/3.1.x/reference-metrics/ Or if its just standard jvm/spring metrics linking out to relevant docs would also be just fine.
Hi Manuel, Thank you for sharing your experience with us and providing this feedback. I will pass this information internally so we will definitely consider some improvement on this matter.