Hi I'm using <GD.CN>. I am working on creating a m...
# gooddata-cn
Hi I'm using GD.CN. I am working on creating a metric. I'd like to do something similar to "RUNSUM" but "RUNPRODUCT", i.e. a multiplication of all the values preceeding. Is there a function for that?
Here's the example: (this is the data in my warehouse) Month Return End Date VALUE_A 1 6/29/2018 -0.2348389005 2 7/31/2018 0.6384624014 3 8/31/2018 0.2733126972 4 9/28/2018 -0.1855167868 5 10/31/2018 -0.6838791671 6 11/30/2018 -0.6894894414 7 12/31/2018 -0.0080659472 8 1/31/2019 1.5209570212 I add another column/ metric which is SELECT (1+ VALUE_A/100) . I want to do another metric that does a running product of my caclulated column Month Return End Date VALUE_A =(1+VALUE_A/100) = RUNPRODUCT 1 6/29/2018 -0.2348389005 0.997651611 -0.2348389005 2 7/31/2018 0.6384624014 1.006384624 0.4021241428 3 8/31/2018 0.2733126972 1.002733127 0.6765358964 4 9/28/2018 -0.1855167868 0.998144832 0.4897640219 5 10/31/2018 -0.6838791671 0.993161208 -0.1974645393 6 11/30/2018 -0.6894894414 0.993105106 -0.8855924836
any advice?
Hi Alex, Are you trying to build this metric based off of values from what is calculated in Value_A? We cannot build metrics based on changing dynamic values in a report, but you can still use the arithmetic logic to build your report using the running totals.
I think you can add little bit of math to your metric to solve it.
so formula
select power(10,runsum(log(metric/x)))
should do the trick.
Screenshot 2023-10-09 at 16.07.51.png
thanks @Jakub Sterba and @Joseph Heun! I had not thought of using logs to do the math, that will do the trick, thank you!