Hi! We have an issue with analytics designer (embe...
# gooddata-cn
Hi! We have an issue with analytics designer (embedded via iframe), where users are not able to create or edit metrics. The users have correct permissions for the workspace assigned(MANAGE). The create or edit action fails on a request to
The requested endpoint does not exist or you do not have permission to access it.
Our setup is that we have two workspaces for the customer:
. The
workspace is a child of
and the users have permissions and work within only the child workspace. However, as seen, the analytics designer makes request for the parent workspace as well. Is our understanding of workspace hierarchy wrong with a setup like this and are we expected to give users rights to the parent workspace, or is this a bug on your end? Thanks.
Sorry for the delay here - We will look into this and get back you with more details.
Hi Tomasi, is the Analytical Designer coming from the parent workspace? This would make a difference in the user permissions set-up, as per the documentation.
Note that
permission in an inherited dashboard will not let the user edit the dashboard. The dashboard remains editable only in its native parent workspace. In the child workspace, the
permission behaves as a
Hi Radek. The designer is for the child workspace. The users have no permissions for the parent and manage permission for child. They are able to open the designer, view the metrics etc., however creating a new metric and editing an existing one fails due to the failed request to the parent workspace. I found out, that if I give users the VIEW permission to the parent, it works.
Hi Tomáši, you've pretty much hit the nail on the head here when it comes to solving this - is this solution okay for your implementation?