Hello GoodData. We’re using sdk ui Dashboard compo...
# gooddata-cn
Hello GoodData. We’re using sdk ui Dashboard component to render Dashboards, however, from time to time we see a Dashboard “break down”, where the React component throws the following error when rendering:
Invariant Violation: Inconsistent insight store
. Have you come across this? Thanks.
Hi Tomas, in the past where I have seen this error, it was related to an insight being missing / removed. Are you working with multi-tenant environment? If yes, is it possible that some of your visualizations were deleted on the Parent level?
I don’t think that would be the case. Funnily, if I rename the dashboard (by dispatching the renameDashboard command), the Dashboard fixes itself and suddenly renders without an issue. If a deleted visualization would be the cause, I don’t think the rename command could possibly fix it. 🤷
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you - We are looking into this and we will get back to you with more details ASAP. Thanks for bearing with us in the meantime
@Michael Ullock, any update please? 🙂
Hi Tomas, do you see the error only when rendering dashboard using the sdk? Or can you see the error directly in GD as well? Were you doing any changes to the dashboard prior receiving the error? What version of the sdk are you using?
Hi @Jan Kos. The error happens in the native GD ui as well. On my end I use sdk9, but it was happening with 8.x as well. I can’t pinpoint any action that would trigger that error. All I can say so far that dispatching edit and then save action on the dashboard fixes the dashboard.