Hey, we're running into a 400 error when fetching ...
# gooddata-cn
Hey, we're running into a 400 error when fetching date attributes using python sdk. This only seems to be happening when we fetch for just date attribute(s) -- when we include other non-date attributes with the dates like accountId , the fetch works. Here's the error message when we fetch just a date attribute _Enumerating datetime attributes='[attribute/Taxlot_AsOfDate.day/2022_06_28_12_09_48_049675-4f202356-627e-40bc-847e-1aab67d30ce2]_
cc: @Jan Soubusta cc: @Jakub Sterba
Hi James, Thanks for reaching out. We have been discussing this limitation recently. Please, see the following thread where @Jan Soubusta gives a detailed explanation of these limitations. Do not hesitate to ask questions if something is not clear. https://gooddataconnect.slack.com/archives/C01P3H2HTDL/p1688586901914569