Hi team. We are somehow not able to get rid of Wor...
# gooddata-cn
Hi team. We are somehow not able to get rid of Workspace Data Filter. I’m making this API call.
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## Delete Workspace Filter
curl -X "DELETE" "<https://telemetry.north-europe.azure.keboola.com/api/v1/entities/workspaces/5227_com-keboola-azure-north-europe/workspaceDataFilters/5227_com-keboola-azure-north-europe_filter>" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.gooddata.api+json' \
     -H 'Authorization: ***** Hidden credentials *****'
Based on: https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/cloud/api-and-sdk/api/api_reference_all/#operation/deleteEntity@WorkspaceDataFilters When I run it, I get expected 204 No Content. But when I then make an API call to list all filters, I can still see it among the others:
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## List Workspaces Filters
curl "<https://telemetry.north-europe.azure.keboola.com/api/v1/layout/workspaceDataFilters>" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.gooddata.api+json' \
     -H 'Authorization: ***** Hidden credentials *****'
I’ve also tried to delete Workspace Data Filter Settings:
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## Delete Workspace Filter Settings
curl -X "DELETE" "<https://telemetry.north-europe.azure.keboola.com/api/v1/entities/workspaces/5227_com-keboola-azure-north-europe/workspaceDataFilterSettings/5227_com-keboola-azure-north-europe_filter>" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.gooddata.api+json' \
     -H 'Authorization: ***** Hidden credentials *****'
But that request fails with this error:
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DELETE operation not allowed on path '/api/v1/entities/workspaces/5227_com-keboola-azure-north-europe/workspaceDataFilterSettings/5227_com-keboola-azure-north-europe_filter'.
We need to get rid of the filter associated with the workspace, as otherwise creation of new workspace fails after other one is deleted.
Hi Martin can you please confirm you are using the most updated version? https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/versions/upgrade-guide/
Found out we are on version 2.2.1 We’ll upgrade and I’ll get back to you if the issue persist. Thanks for quick reply!
👍 1
Hi Joseph. Unfortunately, making the API call on the latest version doesn’t change the results. After
Delete Workspace Filter
call, the filter is still present when listing the filters by
List Workspaces Filters
Hi Martin, can you also confirm if you are using a parent/child relationship to create/build the workspace in question? Or, is this simply isolated to this single workspace?
Yes. these operations are made on a child workspace. Aka child workspace with filter is created. I try to delete filter associated with the workspace (first screenshot), but it’s still among the filter afterwards (second screenshot).
And are you able to make the deletion in the parent workspace just to see if it can be done there?
Please, can you be more specific about what should I try to delete? There are no filters in the parent workspace. Should I create one and try to delete it? Is it going to help us debug what’s going on with the filters deleting on a child level? Sorry if I don’t understand you well.
No no, that’s ok. If there is no filter in the parent workspace then it wouldn’t matter. Let me check if there is anything else that would block the deletion and I will get back as soon as possible
👍 1
Hi Martin, is there anyway you can try and reproduce this on a smaller scale? If you create a completely new workspace not related to the parent and add a dashboard filter, are you able to delete it? We believe that there must be some dependency from the parent workspace that is causing this. If you cannot delete the filter on the newly created workspace, could you try and provide the workspace composition?
I’m planning to do one more test - trying to delete Filter Settings, as I’ve tried that only on version
and that call is probably not supported there. That might be the relation we need to get rid of. I’ll update you with my findings.
🤞 1
Seems that deleting Filter Settings did the trick. I’m just kind of wondering, what’s the purpose of delete Filter call. Nonetheless, looks like we are good to go 🙂 Thanks for your help!