Hi all We currently use Auth0 as our IDP and it g...
# gooddata-cn
Hi all We currently use Auth0 as our IDP and it generates auth tokens for our users, when we try to look up users based on their
in GoodData (
isn't a required param when creating users), we're running into an issue where we can't find the users if their token contains a
sign in it Eg: https://<gd_cn_host>/api/v1/entities/users?filter=authenticationId%3D%3D%27samlp%7Cyexhmwjrq7avbje77xqf%7C2V2rp%2BdCe0yRYWL0OhfFgQ%3D%3D%27 returns no users even though the user exists and we can see it without the filter query param This isn't an issue with users whose token does not have the
sign and we're able to successfully retrieve users in this case. Could you please help figure out what needs to happen here so users with a
sign in their token are also returned ? Thanks in advance I opened a support case as well https://support.gooddata.com/hc/en-us/requests/115532
@Moises Morales thanks for responding to me on the support case
No problem. Just to reiterate my answer, the ‘+’ sign will need to be wrapped with doubles quotes and then the URL encoding must be applied to the entire value.
@Moises Morales it turns out I spoke too soon, it turns out your proposed fix gets us past the 400 but still returns no users.
I responded on the support case as well
@Francisco Antunes I responded to your comment
@Jan Kos @Cayce Collins and I would like to get on a call re: ^, could you please send us your availability for a call either today or tomorrow ?