Hello, facing an issue with updating LDM. After we...
# gooddata-cn
Hello, facing an issue with updating LDM. After we updated a database source view the new columns show up in the info section on the left for that view on the edit data model screen. After scanning and using 'Update' option the table in the LDM doesnt show the updated attributes. The original view had around 35 attributes and we are adding 35 more. What could be the reason that the LDM is not getting updated.
Hello Sagar, If I understand this correctly, you just used the “refresh” button next to your datasource in the left panel in editor mode. Please note that this action alone wouldn’t update the LDM accordingly. LDM must be updated separately as it is mentioned in our documentation https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/cloud/model-data/evolve-your-model/ You can use one of the methods mentioned bellow: https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/2.3/model-data/create-logical-data-model/
Julios, thanks for your response. After refresh, I did run the scan with 'Update' option and this did not update the table with the additional fields. What could be the issue and what can I try to see why the update did not work. Thanks !
Hi Sagar, Sorry for my later response. Could you please clarify what “update” option have you exactly used and where wasn’t this change properly propagated? It would be best if you provide some screenshots so we understand what are you exactly up to here.