I have some questions about how to configure the <...
# gooddata-cn
I have some questions about how to configure the GoodData.CN helm chart to connect to our RDS cluster in AWS. - Under metadataApi, there are existingSecret and existingExporterSecret values for the "md" database, but only one "user" property. How does this user have two secrets? Seems I'm missing something. I'm assuming no passwords are needed if we configure existing secrets (please confirm). I'm also assuming these are k8s secrets (vs. AWS secrets) - please also confirm. It looks like several services share the same secrets key "postgresql-password", which I assume means they must also share the same user in the DB. - The RDS cluster supplies both endpoints and reader_endpoints. I assume we should assign the main (writer) endpoint to the host property under service.postgres (please confirm). Should we assign the reader_endpoint anywhere in the helm chart? Are the reader_endpoints used? - There are references to S3 settings in values.yaml for the GoodData.CN helm chart. Do we need to set up an S3 bucket to use GoodData.CN on AWS? Thanks for clarifying! šŸ˜€
Hi, regarding the metadataApi secret confusion. Indeed, there are two distinct secrets - existingSecret (containing application user's password in key
) and
user's password in key
). While application user name is configurable (using
), the
is hardcoded šŸ˜ž The puprose of this user is not documented, but it is exclusively used in GoodData Cloud product (deployment hosted by GoodData) for collecting internal statistics. In GoodData CN, it has absolutely no purpose, and it's a mistake we didn't make this user optional. Unfortunately, some older database migrations already rely on this user's existence to create reporting views in
database, so it would be rather difficult to remove it. k8s Secrets/aws secrets/passwords: If you precreate k8s secrets (one with
key and one with
key), you do not need to specify
. AWS secrets (for AWS secrets manager product) are completely irrelevant. we don't use them. sharing postgresql-password: not exactly. There are 3 distinct services that need some database credentials (dex, metadataApi and sqlExecutor). Each service can have its own user and password. dex user: dex.config.database.user dex pass: dex.config.database.password dex existing secret (can be used instead of dex password): dex.config.database.existingSecret -- metadata-api user: metadataApi.database.user (described above) metadata-api pass: metadataApi.database.password metadata-api secret: metadataApi.database.existingSecret (as described above, can be used instead of metdata-api password) -- sql-exec-api user: sqlExecutor.database.user sql-exec-api pass: sqlExecutor.database.password sql-exec-api secret: sqlExecutor.database.existingSecret (can be used instead of sql-exec-api password) All these "existingSecret"s need to have password stored in
key. There's yet another set of db credentials, configured in
structure: ā€¢
- name of pg admin user (usually
) ā€¢
- password of admin user. This account is used only during installation to create necessary databases (dex, md, and execution) and to create all the application users described above. It is not used in runtime. RDS endpoints: Assign only the writer endpoint. multi-node Aurora is used primarily for high-availability, not for load distribution.
service.postges.host (and port)
is the right place for setting the writer endpoint. reader endpoints are not used. S3 Settings: S3 can be used to store PDF and tabular exports (CSV, XLS). If not configured (default), local file system is used. If you decide to use S3, you need to provision S3 bucket (e.g. by terraform) and provide static aws credentials. IRSA credentials do not work as described in docs due to 3rd-party library bug we discovered and fixed 2 days ago šŸ˜ž But gooddata-cn version 2.4.0 will have it fixed.
@Robert Moucha could you provide an example of the yaml structure we would need to store the metadata-api password and sql-exec-api password in the same k8s secret with key "postgresql-password"? (We're not using dex, so don't need a secret for dex.) Since multiple services will be sharing data in the same k8s secret, we need some clarity on the exact structure of the "data:" section of this k8s secret.
I believe I have answered my own question: "postgresql-password" is the only key in the data section of a secret whose name we specify in the "existingSecret" value
šŸ†— 1
You may use command like:
Copy code
kubectl -n gooddata-cn create secret generic gdcn-db-secrets \
  --from-literal=postgresql-password=somepassword \
  --from-literal=exporter-password=otherpassword \
  --dry-run=client -o yaml
to generate yaml-formatted secret with keys
Copy code
apiVersion: v1
  exporter-password: b3RoZXJwYXNzd29yZA==
  postgresql-password: c29tZXBhc3N3b3Jk
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: gdcn-db-secrets
  namespace: gooddata-cn
Thanks, Robert. This is super helpful šŸ˜€
`kind: Secret`also accepts
instead of
where you can place values in raw strings (without base64 encoding):
Copy code
apiVersion: v1
  exporter-password: otherpassword
  postgresql-password: somepassword
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: gdcn-db-secrets
  namespace: gooddata-cn
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