Hi, is there a plan for adding the ability to sett...
# gooddata-cn
Hi, is there a plan for adding the ability to setting filters on parent workspaces so we wouldn't need child workspaces for filtering? Can children's workspaces have custom LDM? is there the ability to add tagging on dashboards, insights and datasets? if there are filters, is it possible to filter them by the custom dashboard, insight, and when creating custom workspace?
1. Filters - we would like to redesign them. I will pass your request to the internal discussion. 2. You can PUT LDM to child workspaces only through API. You can add a new dataset or add attributes/facts to parent WS. Overriding existing entities is not yet supported. 3. Tagging - not sure if it is on our roadmap.... 4. Not sure what do you mean with "filter them by the custom dashboard, ..." - could you elaborate on this?
thank you for quick answer. 2. is there a plan to support custom LDM for child workspaces? 4. for example: we would have 2 dashboards and would have 10 metrics for each dashboard. So when the user would do custom metrics on one of those dashboards we would like to show him just metrics related to that dashboard
ad 2: not sure, we have to wait for someone with knowledge of our entire roadmap ad 4: do I understand it well that you would like to tag metrics/insights by e.g. dashboard_name, so you can list metrics which relate to specific dashboard?
4. yes, we want to do that
🎉 New note created.